vote of confidence - significado y definición. Qué es vote of confidence
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Qué (quién) es vote of confidence - definición

Motion of Confidence; Motion of confidence; Non-confidence; Confidence (politics); Vote of no confidence; Vote of confidence; Non confidence; Confidence vote; Motion of censure; No confidence; Non-confidence motion; Motion of No Confidence; Non-confidence vote; No-confidence vote; Vote of no-confidence; No confidence vote; Non confidence vote; Motion of non-confidence; Vote of No Confidence; No confidence motion; Motion of no-confidence; Motion of Non-Confidence; Motion of non confidence; Vote of non confidence; Non-Confidence Motion; Vote of non-confidence; Vote of Confidence; No-confidence motion; Votes of no confidence; Confidence motion; Censorship motion; Motions of non-confidence; Motions of no confidence; No-confidence; No Confidence; No-confidence voting; VoNC; Floor test; Trust vote; Votes of confidence; Confidence votes
  • The outgoing prime minister [[Mariano Rajoy]] (right) congratulates the incoming prime minister Pedro Sánchez (left) upon losing the no-confidence vote on 1 June 2018.

vote of confidence         
(votes of confidence)
A vote of confidence is a vote in which members of a group are asked to indicate that they still support the person or group in power, usually the government.
The Indian Prime Minister, V P Singh, lost a vote of confidence in the Indian parliament.
N-COUNT: usu sing
A vote of confidence is something that you say or do which shows that you approve of or support a person or a group.
The ten-year deal is a vote of confidence in coal-fired power stations.
N-COUNT: usu sing
vote of no confidence         
(votes of no confidence)
A vote of no confidence is a vote in which members of a group are asked to indicate that they do not support the person or group in power, usually the government.
The opposition has called for a vote of no confidence in the government.
N-COUNT: usu sing
Constructive vote of no confidence         
  • [[Mariano Rajoy]] was the first prime minister in Spain's political history to be removed by a constructive vote of no confidence.
  • language=de}}</ref>
  • Willy Brandt, 1971 in the German Bundestag
Constructive vote of No Confidence; Constructive Vote of No Confidence; Konstruktives Misstrauensvotum
The constructive vote of no confidence (, ) is a variation on the motion of no confidence that allows a parliament to withdraw confidence from a head of government only if there is a positive majority for a prospective successor. The principle is intended to ensure governments' stability by making sure that a replacement has enough parliamentary support to govern.


Motion of no confidence

A vote of no confidence, also variously called a motion of no confidence, no-confidence motion, motion of confidence, or vote of confidence, is a statement or vote about whether a person in a position of responsibility like in government or management is still deemed fit to hold that position, such as because they are inadequate in some aspect, fail to carry out their obligations, or make decisions that other members feel to be detrimental. The parliamentary motion demonstrates to the head of government that the elected parliament either has or no longer has confidence in one or more members of the appointed government. In some countries, a no-confidence motion being passed against an individual minister requires the minister to resign. In most cases, if the minister in question is the premier, all other ministers must also resign.

A censure motion is different from a no-confidence motion. Depending on the constitution of the body concerned, "no confidence" may lead to the dismissal of the council of ministers or other position-holders and often the dissolution of most of the leadership of the executive branch. On the other hand, "censure" is meant to show disapproval and does not result in the resignation of ministers. The motion of censure may be against an individual minister or a group of ministers. However, depending on a country's constitution, a no-confidence motion may be more directed against the entire cabinet. Again, depending on the applicable rules, censure motions may need to state the reasons for the motion, but specific reasons may not be required for no-confidence motions.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para vote of confidence
1. vote of confidence in advance.
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2. so that's a vote of confidence.
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3. NEAL STEPHENSON: But thanks for the vote of confidence,
Fall; or, Dodge in Hell - A Novel _ Neal Stephenson _ Talks at Google
4. I want yours first as a vote of confidence.
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5. astounded. That was a real vote of confidence. So we
Giving It All Away - The Dorris Buffet Story _ Doris Buffett _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de vote of confidence
1. Vote of confidence Then the Cabinet will seek a vote of confidence from Parliament.
2. "We regard Putin‘s remarks as a vote of confidence.
3. Their term has extended through the vote of confidence.
4. Not quite a vote of confidence in their chairman.
5. Purcell a public vote of confidence, changing tack on Mr.